A Season of Go Go Go has Begun!

Hey all!!! Des here! I know we are a little behind on our Highline, so let me just recap what has been going on the last couple of weeks! For starters, we have had a ROLLERCOASTER of weather! This is certainly the strangest spring I’ve ever seen since I’ve been out...

Wild Cattle and a Little Yeehaw

We received our cattle in two phases over the last couple of weeks and found out that they were pretty feral and touchy! This made for an exciting time getting them moved around and put in their appropriate pastures. Our second load of cattle did not travel as planned...

Shoeing into Spring

We all know Spring is upon us when the snow is melting and its time to get shoes on all of the horses! We spent 8 days with Tommy, our farrier and teacher we fly in every 6 weeks, on all ends of shoeing. By the end of his first trip to the ranch this year he had...

As I Climb

Noah was brought onto the McGinnis team after participating in the working intern tryouts. He wrote a piece of poetry for the Highline this week. Enjoy! Amidst the mountains of Montana’s grace, The Scion climbs with strength and pace, It’s tires grip the...

Working Intern Insight – Two weeks of learning!

Hi, my name is Brooklynn! I do not come from an extensive background in the horse world, and only began my journey into the horse world around two years ago. I was super excited and nervous to apply for the intern tryouts. Having no experience with roping or cattle, I...