Volume 16, Issue 27

Hey There Everyone!


It’s officially that time of year. Fall gather is here!

Just picture it. The air is crisp and cold and a serene layer of fog hangs just above the tips of the meadow grass. Your horse takes a deep breath and tendrils of cold morning ‘smoke’ rises up in the air around you. You grab your saddle pad and saddle and get your partner ready, checking each buckle and saddle string to make sure your rig is secure. The truck is loaded with great care and everyone does one final check of their gear. The rumble of the diesel engine starts up and off we go, it’s time to round up those steers.

This is always everyone’s favorite time of year to come visit the ranch. We currently have eight repeat guests staying with us for the month who have joined us for the past several years for the gather. It’s always great to have this group join as they feel more like family these days than guests, some of them having come each and every year since the ranch opened!

Best sunrises around

Our herd consists of 227 Black Angus steers and they are scattered over thousands of acres on our Davis grazing allotment. Talk about the ultimate game of Hike and Seek! You see, the key is to look for fresh sign. Hoof prints in the dusty roads, grass that has been laid down in areas, and even the fresh cow patty can tell you a lot about where your steers might be! A good place to start is always at your water source so we have been splitting into small groups to check the various water tanks along with mineral pots for fresh track. Every time we round up a fairly good sized group we then make the near 7 mile trek back to the ranch. The days are long and dusty and there’s always a little excitement when you have a couple wiley ones in the bunch but it really is the coolest experience. I wake up everyday and can’t believe this is my job. I love being a cowboy.

How handsome is Amigo?!

Fair thee well friends,
